I’m confused! Are you a parlour worker or a private escort?

 I’m actually both! I’m a full-time student and don’t always have the time to put into the administration that private work requires. Having the option to maintain work in parlours allows me the flexibility to focus on school and have someone else take care of all enthralling behind the scenes work.

This also allows me to be available for short notice bookings when I am in a parlour setting, as I am aware the craving for human contact can appear spontaneously and is not always possible to predict in advance.

By working regularly in a brothel, I am able to meet clientele who otherwise would not be able to afford my escort rates, and if you are unsure about our chemistry; having an introduction with me here first is a great way to have a no-obligation quick meet. This is also an alternative to those who do not wish to supply the mandatory screening information or deposit required for an outcall.

How should I prepare before seeing you?

Fresh breath, clean and cut finger nails and a smile will make me very happy! Some man-scaping wouldn’t go astray either if you’d like me to spend more time down south. You will be required to have a shower on arrival if you visit me at an incall, so do not stress too much if you have just come from work. Please also ensure you have the correct amount for the service you are after. Check my services page if unsure.

I only want a few things from your service list so can I get it at a cheaper price? 

Unfortunately not. I have decided to divide my services into packages so instead of purchasing individual extras you will be supplied with a range of options. These lists should not be viewed as a checklist and it will not be possible to perform all options in a booking so please do not treat it as such.

Why don’t you offer Deep French Kissing?

French kissing is just not a service I am comfortable with offering.

An option around this is booking a double with a DFK provider! I work well with a few girls who offer this service, so don’t be afraid to ask! This means she can handle  all your passionate kissing needs while I kiss.. somewhere else.

Do you offer any natural services such as BBBJs?


My number one priority is my health and I will not partake in any activity that will impede on that. This is both for my benefit,  yours and for future clients I will see.

Do you party?

If you are referring to a feather boa, 80s style costume party, then most definitely!

If you are however referring to drugs, I do not and I also do not allow them to be present in my solo bookings. I promise I will get you addicted to an entirely different form of pleasure!

I have contacted you and you have not replied!

I will endeavour to respond to all genuine and correctly formatted messages within 48 hours.

 Check my contact me page if unsure how to do this.

I am after a service that you have not listed.

Never be embarrassed to ask! I pride myself on being open minded to any fantasy or fetish, and I have not been able to try every possible activity!

Services I do not offer are:

– Unprotected services

– Brown showers

– Rimming on you

– Underage / incest role plays

– Domination services – while you are under the influence.

– Blood play

I feel that you and I have great chemistry and get along really well. Can we go on a date outside of our business relationship?

In short, no. While I enjoy the company of my regular clients and I enjoy building up a rapport, it is and always will remain a professional relationship. Asking for something different will just cause unnecessary awkwardness and may result in me feeling it best to terminate future engagements and encourage you to find another provider.

If I happen to see you in a public setting, may I come up and say hello?

Most definitely not. I will always behave in a discreet nature and I expect you to do the same. If I am alone, I may give you a smile; but please respect my privacy and do not approach me.

I would like to bring you a gift! What do you like?

While gifts are never expected, they will be sure to add an extra smile:

– Perfume: Gucci Floral.

Lingerie: I wear Honey Birdette 10C and S.

– Chocolates/Wine: I am very conscious about what goes into my body. Please refrain from gifting consumables. But I would secretly love vegan chocolate.

Vouchers: Sex toy shops; latex suppliers; designer lingerie providers etc. Allow me to expand my collection of fun things!

I had a great time and would like to leave a review! How would you prefer me to go about this?

I feel quite funny about reviews due to their legitimacy as well as respecting the privacy of an intimate moment. However, I understand that as clients you like to have the ability to get some feedback  so I have created the option to leave a review on my site, to which I may publish it in part or full.